Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Not-Nearly-As-Incredible Field Trip

I am trying to get the blog completely updated before I leave this Friday for my Spring Break Trip. I will be going to Jordan (Petra, Amman, and the Dead Sea) for a few days and then to Lebanon (Beirut, mountains, Mediterranean Sea, random villages, and forests with Cedar trees) for several more days. I will go more into the trip planning in a few days, but for the meantime it looks like a blog post a day until Friday!

After that wonderful field trip on Friday (27 March), I had an architecture field trip on Saturday (28 March). At this point, I am completely mosque-ed out. So many mosques. It is still interesting to go into places that I normally would not be able to see, but so many mosques. This is just a random collection of photos Oliver and I took during the trip. I do not remember the actual significance of most of it, but I will try to provide an explanation.

This is called 'square kufic'. It is a decorative form. When it is on a mosque, like this, they seem to either say 'Muhammad' or the Shahadah ('There is no god, but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God). This one is the of the Shahadah:
Ceiling of this mosque (I do not know the name):

The lamps in the mosques are one of the few things that I still love looking at in mosques (that sounds rather harsh, but like I said, I am mosqued out):
This was the ceiling above the qibla, it was very ornate:
The colors of Cairo can get quite monotonous (sand, stone, and sandstone), so I like the random colors you see around town:
I want to say this is the Mosque of Salah Tala'i This is Bab Zuwayla, it was one of the three gates (the other two are Bab al-Futuh and Bab al-Nasr) to Cairo back in the day:

Trying to get in to Salah Tala'i. The professor banged on the door for several minutes. Eventually it cracked open and the teacher explained why we were there. Apparently it is normally closed when it is not prayer time:
Down the street:
Nearly every mosque has this green carpet.Don't know where this is at, but I like it:

Random colors! The design and label is of a popular Egyptian tea (as opposed to Lipton):
An odd guard tower:
?:We wondered through what I assume is the Carnival-Market:

This minbar pulpit was robbed. Normally there would be stuff (ivory, gold, bone, wood, marble) where it is a skeleton now. Still looks nice:
More random colors:
You can get a feel of the colors of Cairo in this picture- the car is a nice contrast:
A look down the street:
Ahh, yes. The Blue Mosque. It is under reconstruction right now. Since it is being fixed up, it is normally closed to the public. That being said, a friend said he slipped the guard a few pounds and was able to get in.This is why it is known as the Blue Mosque. The interior of the mosque was covered in this blue tile by the Ottomans:


Random street art:

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